Commit 4938bcb

Commit hash 4938bcbf911f1175ccf0a28aaaf7154b7b796105
Commit time 2018-03-21

Nick Johnson <arachnid at>

Author time 2018-03-21

Nick Johnson <arachnid at>


Document Title
EIP-609 "Hardfork Meta: Byzantium"
EIP-658 Embedding transaction status code in receipts
EIP-4 EIP Classification
EIP-145 Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM
EIP-606 "Hardfork Meta: Homestead"
EIP-779 "Hardfork Info: DAO Fork"
EIP-101 Serenity Currency and Crypto Abstraction
EIP-1 EIP Purpose and Guidelines
EIP-170 Contract code size limit
EIP-161 State trie clearing (invariant-preserving alternative)
EIP-165 ERC-165 Standard Interface Detection
EIP-137 Ethereum Domain Name Service - Specification
EIP-721 ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard
EIP-758 Subscriptions and filters for transaction return data
EIP-107 safe "eth_sendTransaction" authorization via html popup
EIP-150 Gas cost changes for IO-heavy operations
EIP-158 State clearing
EIP-162 Initial ENS Hash Registrar
EIP-190 Ethereum Smart Contract Packaging Standard
EIP-196 Precompiled contracts for addition and scalar multiplication
EIP-2 Homestead Hard-fork Changes
EIP-20 ERC-20 Token Standard
EIP-55 Mixed-case checksum address encoding
EIP-615 Subroutines and Static Jumps for the EVM
EIP-616 SIMD Operations for the EVM
EIP-649 Metropolis Difficulty Bomb Delay and Block Reward Reduction
EIP-181 ENS support for reverse resolution of Ethereum addresses
EIP-608 "Hardfork Meta: Tangerine Whistle"
EIP-681 URL Format for Transaction Requests
EIP-706 DEVp2p snappy compression
EIP-140 REVERT instruction
EIP-6 Renaming SUICIDE opcode
EIP-234 Add `blockHash` to JSON-RPC filter options.
EIP-801 ERC-801 Canary Standard
EIP-5 Gas Usage for `RETURN` and `CALL*`
EIP-8 devp2p Forward Compatibility Requirements for Homestead
EIP-160 EXP cost increase
EIP-100 Change difficulty adjustment to target mean block time including uncles
EIP-3 Addition of CALLDEPTH opcode
EIP-214 New opcode STATICCALL
EIP-197 Precompiled contracts for optimal ate pairing check
EIP-868 Node Discovery v4 ENR Extension
EIP-695 Create `eth_chainId` method for JSON-RPC
EIP-155 Simple replay attack protection
EIP-858 Reduce block reward
EIP-141 Designated invalid EVM instruction
EIP-607 "Hardfork Meta: Spurious Dragon"
EIP-831 URL Format for Ethereum