Add EIP-6464: Multi-operator, per-token ERC721 approval (#6464)
* EIP Motivation and Specification for "Multi-operator, per-token ERC721 approval."
* Add remaining authors' names
* Interface overhaul with explanation in EIP markdown.
* Add `Abstract` and `@dev` note about interplay with `setApprovalForAll()`.
* Partial response to cxkoda review
* Full response to cxkoda review
* Explicitly include OZ `IERC{165,721}.sol` instead of using a submodule
* Minor typo and wording changes to draft.
* Prune authors to active participants as they can always be re-added later
* Revert `.gitignore` so as to not change it in the EIP draft (#7)
* Set presumptive EIP number and fix linter complaints (#5)
* Rename files and directories to include EIP number
* Address linter (`EIP Walidator`) issues
* Add presumed EIP number based on PR: 6464
* Revert `.gitignore` to get through initial draft acceptance
* Do the last commit properly ;)
* Add ERC category
* Fix linter issues (#8)
* Update EIP- references to ERC-
* Remove OpenZeppelin interfaces and replace with original EIP versions; change 6464 license to CC0
* Add `solidity` language tag to code block
GitHub Diff