Commit f20b164

Commit hash f20b164b00ae5553f7536a6d7a83a0f254455e09
Commit time 2024-05-28

GitHub <noreply at>

Author time 2024-05-28

Alexander Cyon <Sajjon at>


Document Title
EIP-7480 EOF - Data section access instructions
EIP-2015 wallet_updateEthereumChain RPC Method
EIP-5792 Wallet Call API
EIP-6916 Automatically Reset Testnet
EIP-7676 EOF - Prepare for Address Space Extension
EIP-7002 Execution layer triggerable withdrawals
EIP-5027 Remove the limit on contract code size
EIP-7612 Verkle state transition via an overlay tree
EIP-7543 EVM arbitrary precision decimal math
EIP-7495 SSZ StableContainer
EIP-6888 Math checking in EVM
EIP-2515 Implement Difficulty Freeze
EIP-6206 EOF - JUMPF and non-returning functions
EIP-3779 Safer Control Flow for the EVM
EIP-2935 Serve historical block hashes from state
EIP-5806 Delegate transaction
EIP-2976 Typed Transactions over Gossip
EIP-7620 EOF Contract Creation
EIP-908 Reward clients for a sustainable network
EIP-6953 Network Upgrade Activation Triggers
EIP-2711 Sponsored, expiring and batch transactions.
EIP-663 SWAPN, DUPN and EXCHANGE instructions
EIP-7636 Extension of EIP-778 for "client" ENR Entry
EIP-3788 Strict enforcement of chainId
EIP-6800 Ethereum state using a unified verkle tree
EIP-7639 Cease serving history before PoS
EIP-3540 EOF - EVM Object Format v1
EIP-1057 ProgPoW, a Programmatic Proof-of-Work
EIP-107 safe "eth_sendTransaction" authorization via html popup
EIP-1109 PRECOMPILEDCALL opcode (Remove CALL costs for precompiled contracts)
EIP-1965 Method to check if a chainID is valid at a specific block Number
EIP-2315 Simple Subroutines for the EVM
EIP-2733 Transaction Package
EIP-2780 Reduce intrinsic transaction gas
EIP-5450 EOF - Stack Validation
EIP-7642 eth/69 - Drop pre-merge fields