Commit f8e7c02

Commit hash f8e7c028f509c18684dc4af32a4c4ff24241091b
Commit time 2020-09-08

GitHub <noreply at>

Author time 2020-09-08

Alex Beregszaszi <alex at>


Document Title
EIP-1178 Multi-class Token Standard
EIP-1 EIP Purpose and Guidelines
EIP-1080 Recoverable Token
EIP-1186 RPC-Method to get Merkle Proofs - eth_getProof
EIP-2014 Extended State Oracle
EIP-2025 Block Rewards Proposal for funding Eth1.x
EIP-712 Ethereum typed structured data hashing and signing
EIP-1295 Modify Ethereum PoW Incentive Structure and Delay Difficulty Bomb
EIP-1167 Minimal Proxy Contract
EIP-1706 Disable SSTORE with gasleft lower than call stipend
EIP-2029 State Rent A - State counters contract
EIP-152 Add BLAKE2 compression function `F` precompile
EIP-1538 Transparent Contract Standard
EIP-2159 Common Prometheus Metrics Names for Clients
EIP-2266 Atomic Swap-based American Call Option Contract Standard
EIP-2309 ERC-721 Consecutive Transfer Extension
EIP-2327 BEGINDATA opcode
EIP-2330 EXTSLOAD opcode
EIP-747 Add wallet_watchAsset to Provider
EIP-908 Reward clients for a sustainable network
EIP-2031 State Rent B - Net transaction counter
EIP-1081 Standard Bounties
EIP-1620 ERC-1620 Money Streaming
EIP-1523 Standard for Insurance Policies as ERC-721 Non Fungible Tokens
EIP-1470 Smart Contract Weakness Classification (SWC)
EIP-1616 ERC-1616 Attribute Registry Standard
EIP-2026 State Rent H - Fixed Prepayment for accounts
EIP-2481 "eth/66: request identifier"
EIP-1923 zk-SNARK Verifier Registry Standard
EIP-2027 State Rent C - Net contract size accounting
EIP-2035 Stateless Clients - Repricing SLOAD and SSTORE to pay for block proofs
EIP-2711 Sponsored, expiring and batch transactions.
EIP-2767 Contract Ownership Governance
EIP-1129 Standardised DAPP announcements
EIP-2535 Diamond Standard
EIP-1967 Standard Proxy Storage Slots
EIP-1491 Human Cost Accounting Standard (Like Gas but for humans)
EIP-2876 Deposit contract and address standard
EIP-1829 Precompile for Elliptic Curve Linear Combinations
EIP-1775 App Keys, application specific wallet accounts
EIP-1895 Support for an Elliptic Curve Cycle
EIP-1922 zk-SNARK Verifier Standard
EIP-2926 Chunk-Based Code Merkleization
EIP-2844 Add DID related methods to the JSON-RPC
EIP-1271 Standard Signature Validation Method for Contracts
EIP-2378 EIPs Eligible for Inclusion
EIP-2537 Precompile for BLS12-381 curve operations
EIP-1285 Increase Gcallstipend gas in the CALL opcode
EIP-2936 EXTCLEAR Opcode For SELFDESTRUCTed contracts
EIP-1482 Define a maximum block timestamp drift
EIP-1710 URL Format for Web3 Browsers
EIP-2458 Updates and Updated-by Header