A proposal to build a block's access_list
and include its fingerprint AccessListRoot
in the block header.
EIP-2929/EIP-2930 centers around normalizing the (low) gas costs of data/storage accesses made by a transaction as well as providing for (and encouraging) a new transaction type format:
0x01 || rlp([chainId, nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, access_list, yParity, senderR, senderS])
that makes upfront access_list
declarations, where access_list
is some [[{20 bytes}, [{32 bytes}...]]...]
map of AccessedAddress=> AccessedStorageKeys
The first accesses of these upfront declarations are charged at discounted price (roughly ~10%
) and first accesses outside this list are charged higher price. Reason is upfront access declaration provides for a way to preload/optimize/batch loading these locations while executing the transaction.
This inadvertently leads to generation of transaction access_list
that has all (first) accesses (declared or not) made by a transaction.
This proposal is to collate these transaction access_list
s for all the transactions in a block access_list
document and include its fingerprint in the block header.
Motivation for collating the transaction access_list
s for all the transactions in a block’s access_list
is to have an access index of the block with following benefits:
1. Block execution/validation optimizations/parallelization/cache warm-up by enabling construction of a partial order for access and hence execution (hint: chains in this poset can be parallelized).
2. Enabling partial inspection and fetching/serving of a block data/state by light sync or fast sync protocols concerned with a subset of addresses.
3. Possible future extension of this list to serve as index for bundling, serving and fetching witness data for stateless protocols.
A block access_list
Set [
List [AccessedStorageKeys] ,
Set [ AccessedInBlockTransactionNumber, List [ AccessedStorageKeys ]]
A canonical construction of such an access_list
is specified as below.
An access_list
is defined to be comprised of many access_list_entry
access_list := [access_list_entry, ...]
An access_list_entry
is a 3-tuple of:
* address
* sorted list of storage keys of the address accessed across the entire block
* sorted list of 2-tuples of:
* transaction index in which the address or any of its storage keys were accessed
* sorted list of storage keys which were accessed
access_list := [access_list_entry, ...]
access_list_entry := [address, storage_keys, accesses_by_txn_index]
address := bytes20
accesses_by_txn_index := [txn_index_and_keys, ...]
txn_index_and_keys := [txn_index, storage_keys]
txn_index := uint64 # or uint256 or whatever
storage_keys := [storage_key, ...]
storage_key := bytes32
Additional sorting rules for the above are that:
* access_list
is sorted by the address
* storage_keys
is sorted
* accesses_by_txn_index
is sorted by txn_index
Additional validation rules for the above are that:
* Each unique address
may only appear at most once in access_list
* Each storage_key
may only appear at most once in storage_keys
* Each txn_index
may only appear at most once in txn_index_and_keys
All sorting is in increasing order.
An AccessListRoot
is a URN like encoding Hash/Commitment
of the canonical access_list
as well as the construction type ( sha256
) and serialization type ( json
), i.e.
AccessListRoot := "urn:sha256:json:0x${ SHA256( access_list.toJSONString('utf8') ).toHexString() }"
where 0x${ SHA256 (...)...}
is the SHA256
hashed 32
bytes hex string as indicated by leading 0x
Validating a new block requires an additional validation check that the block’s AccessListRoot
matches the one generated by executing the block using the construction as defined by the AccessListRoot
It is specified to be sorted in lexicographic ordering or integer sorting wherever applicable and specified. Sorting with respect to access time was considered but didn't seem to provide any additional benefit at the cost of adding implementation complexity and bookkeeping.
is generated to prevent any griefing attacks and hence will need to be included (and validated) in the block header.
Even though AccessListRoot
is currently specified to be a simple sha256
hash of the canonical access_list
, it would be beneficial to consider other constructions
* a tree structure (merkle
). It will be a bit more expensive but will enable partial downloading, inspection and validation of the access_list
* a normal kate
commitment can also be generated to enable this partial capability and is recommended as validating partial fetch of access list chunks would be very simple.
Also serialization of the access_list
is currently specified as a normal JSON String
dump and these parameters could vary from construction to construction, but for the sake of simplicity, it can always be sha256
hashed to get a consistent 32
bytes hex string root.
So this AccessListRoot could evolve to urn:merkle:ssz:...
or to urn:kate:...
or to any other scheme as per requirement. And the idea of having the AccessListRoot
as URN like structure is to enable upgradation to these paths without affecting block structure.
We can extend the notion of a block’s access_list
to include witnesses:
access_list := Set[
List [ AddressWitnesses ],
Set [ AccessedStorageKey, List [ StorageKeyWitnesses] ],
Set [ AccessedInBlockTransactionNumber, List [ AccessedStorageKeys ] ]
and then get to define the a canonical specification for building the fingerprint.
This will allow an incremental path to partial or full statelessness, where it would be easy to bundle/request witnesses using this access_list
The extra block validation will only be mandatory post the block number this EIP comes into effect, but the clients can still provide a way to generate (and possibly store) this access list on request (via the JSON/RPC
api). However this is optional and client dependent.
There are no known security issues as a result of this change.
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