EIP-7707 - Incentivize Access List Provisioning

Created 2024-05-12
Status Stagnant
Category Core
Type Standards Track


This EIP reduces the gas cost of access list data, incentivizing the inclusion of complete and valid access lists in transactions to improve data load efficiency for execution layer clients.


While EIP-2930 introduced accessLists as a mechanism for SLOAD pre-warming to reduce gas costs by informing the EVM upfront about which storage slots a transaction will access, the practical use is limited and uncommon due to the savings versus penalties involved. In order to break even for each address included 24 storage keys are required per address, and there is a 100 gas saving per key at 25+; in contrast the penalty for including an unused key is 1900 gas, so break-even where one key is unused is 43 keys.\ \ This situation makes the break-even and risk-reward ratio of accessLists rarely appealing in practice for regular transactions, where a prior transaction could lead to a different branch being taken and a slightly different set of storage slots being accessed. Furthermore, a very high number of SLOADs is required to start breaking even.\ \ For some clients, data loading takes >70% of block execution time. This happens in part due to sequential transaction execution and iterative search of effectively random access data.\ \ While NVMe drives have massive throughput and IOPS; this is their concurrent throughput operated through multiple queues and they do not have this performance if data is accessed completely sequentially with one request waiting for the prior to complete i.e. stacking individual IOPS latency end to end will not give anything close to maximal throughput that these drives can deliver (which is different from the HDD world where heads needed to seek to different physical locations for each read). This is a similar situation with network attached storage or cloud data disks; however the latency here is even more amplified than a local direct CPU attached NVMe drive (i.e. via network card).\ \ If nodes had a somewhat clearer picture of what data to pre-load for the block's execution; that can be done in parallel, hiding much of the latency from accessing that data when discovered from executing the transaction. Very much in a similar way to instruction pipelining on a CPU hiding memory access latencies; the data access for transactions could be pipelined. This can lead to faster/cheaper block execution and would facilitate data dependency hints for parallel Tx execution in the future, like on other emerging chains that were developed with more modern hardware in mind.


We shall update EIP-2930 parameters:

Constant Value


As stated in the introduction the gas cost benefit analysis does not encourage the users of the chain to provide accessList hints, even though the mechanism is already in protocol (and a call to eth_createAccessList will give them, or a wallet the correct list to include). So we propose a reduction in the pricing of those data access lists to make them more inline with calldata.\ \ Levelling the playing field between small call_data and access_lists costs, (and incentivise access_lists provisioning from transaction senders as they are needed for transaction execution in a faster manner), the price model updates would look as follows:

Use STANDARD_TOKEN_COST * tokens_in_access_lists, where tokens_in_access_lists = bytes_in_access_lists * 4, making it as expensive to send as plain small call data. So we will get:

This means users pay for on-chain data inclusion as usual call_data. It changes the original EIP-2930 logic of "covering the bandwidth costs", which was not described in detail and is potentially outdated.

It should be noted that this is not the first time EIP-2930 additions have been proposed. In EIP-3521, a reduction was already proposed, but it focused only on ACCESS_LIST_ADDRESS_COST.



Inst Type Access List Keys for address OP Price AccessList Key Price AccessList Address Price Total gas per OP
SLOAD Cold Not included - 2100 0 0 2100
SLOAD Warm Not included - 100 0 0 100
SLOAD Warm Included - 100 - - 100
SLOAD Cold Included 1 100 1900 2400 4400
SLOAD None Included 1 0 1900 2400 4300
SLOAD Cold Included 10 100 1900 240 2240
SLOAD None Included 10 0 1900 240 2140
SLOAD Cold Included 50 100 1900 48 2048
SLOAD None Included 50 0 1900 48 1948


Inst Type Access List Keys for address OP Price AccessList Key Price AccessList Address Price Total gas per OP
SLOAD Cold Not included - 2100 0 0 2100
SLOAD Warm Not included - 100 0 0 100
SLOAD Warm Included - 100 - - 100
SLOAD Cold Included 1 100 320 512 932
SLOAD None Included 1 0 320 512 832
SLOAD Cold Included 10 100 320 51.2 471
SLOAD None Included 10 0 320 51.2 371
SLOAD Cold Included 50 100 320 10.24 430
SLOAD None Included 50 0 320 10.24 330

- Already paid on making warm

Backwards Compatibility

This EIP makes a minor update to EIP-2930 with respect to modern execution challenges and capabilities.

Security Considerations

Same as per EIP-2930


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