EIP-7883 - ModExp Gas Cost Increase

Created 2025-02-11
Status Draft
Category Core
Type Standards Track


This EIP is modifying the ModExp precompile pricing algorithm introduced in EIP-2565.


There are cases where the ModExp precompile is underpriced for it's resource consumption. By modifying the ModExp pricing formula these scenarios would be covered with minimal impact on real world applications. The target is to make ModExp at least as fast as EcRecover precompile in all cases.


Upon activation of this EIP, the gas cost of calling the precompile at address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000005 will be calculated as follows:

def calculate_multiplication_complexity(base_length, modulus_length):
    max_length = max(base_length, modulus_length)
    words = math.ceil(max_length / 8)
    multiplication_complexity = 0
    if max_length <= 32: multiplication_complexity = words**2
    elif max_length > 32: multiplication_complexity = 2 * words**2
    return multiplication_complexity

def calculate_iteration_count(exponent_length, exponent):
    iteration_count = 0
    if exponent_length <= 32 and exponent == 0: iteration_count = 0
    elif exponent_length <= 32: iteration_count = exponent.bit_length() - 1
    elif exponent_length > 32: iteration_count = (16 * (exponent_length - 32)) + ((exponent & (2**256 - 1)).bit_length() - 1)
    return max(iteration_count, 1)

def calculate_gas_cost(base_length, modulus_length, exponent_length, exponent):
    multiplication_complexity = calculate_multiplication_complexity(base_length, modulus_length)
    iteration_count = calculate_iteration_count(exponent_length, exponent)
    return max(500, math.floor(multiplication_complexity * iteration_count / 3))

Changes (with algorithm from EIP-2565):

1. Increase minimal price from 200 to 500

This part of equation:

    return max(200, math.floor(multiplication_complexity * iteration_count / 3))

Is replaced by this:

    return max(500, math.floor(multiplication_complexity * iteration_count / 3))

2. Increase cost when exponent is larger than 32 bytes

This part of equation:

    elif exponent_length > 32: iteration_count = (8 * (exponent_length - 32)) + ((exponent & (2**256 - 1)).bit_length() - 1)

Is replaced by this:

    elif exponent_length > 32: iteration_count = (16 * (exponent_length - 32)) + ((exponent & (2**256 - 1)).bit_length() - 1)

Multiplier 8 is replaced by 16.

3. Increase cost when base or modulus is larger than 32 bytes

This part of equation:

def calculate_multiplication_complexity(base_length, modulus_length):
    max_length = max(base_length, modulus_length)
    words = math.ceil(max_length / 8)
    return words**2

Is replaced by this:

def calculate_multiplication_complexity(base_length, modulus_length):
    max_length = max(base_length, modulus_length)
    words = math.ceil(max_length / 8)
    multiplication_complexity = 0
    if max_length <= 32: multiplication_complexity = words**2
    elif max_length > 32: multiplication_complexity = 2 * words**2
    return multiplication_complexity

Multiplication complexity is doubled if base or modulus is bigger than 32 bytes.


After benchmarking the ModExp precompile, we identified certain scenarios that are underpriced and require repricing to ensure appropriate costs. Further research revealed that all underpriced edge cases can be addressed by adjusting the parameters in the current ModExp pricing formula. With these changes, the minimum cost for using the ModExp precompile will increase from 200 to 500 (a 150% increase), and the cost will scale higher when the base, modulus, or exponent exceed 32 bytes. These adjustments will ensure that the worst-performing edge cases of the ModExp precompile perform no worse than the EcRecover precompile.

Backwards Compatibility

This change is backwards incompatible. However, similar gas repricings have occurred multiple times in the Ethereum ecosystem, and their effects are well understood.

Test Cases

There are no changes to the underlying interface or arithmetic algorithms, so the existing test vectors can be reused. Below is a table with the updated test vectors:

Test Case EIP-2565 Pricing EIP-7883 Pricing Increase
modexp_nagydani_1_square 200 500 150%
modexp_nagydani_1_qube 200 500 150%
modexp_nagydani_1_pow0x10001 341 682 100%
modexp_nagydani_2_square 200 500 150%
modexp_nagydani_2_qube 200 500 150%
modexp_nagydani_2_pow0x10001 1365 2730 100%
modexp_nagydani_3_square 341 682 100%
modexp_nagydani_3_qube 341 682 100%
modexp_nagydani_3_pow0x10001 5461 10922 100%
modexp_nagydani_4_square 1365 2730 100%
modexp_nagydani_4_qube 1365 2730 100%
modexp_nagydani_4_pow0x10001 21845 43690 100%
modexp_nagydani_5_square 5461 10922 100%
modexp_nagydani_5_qube 5461 10922 100%
modexp_nagydani_5_pow0x10001 87381 174762 100%
modexp_marius_1_even 2057 3774 83%
modexp_guido_1_even 2298 4261 85%
modexp_guido_2_even 2300 4262 85%
modexp_guido_3_even 5400 10800 100%
modexp_guido_4_even 1026 1967 92%
modexp_marcin_1_base_heavy 200 500 150%
modexp_marcin_1_exp_heavy 215 500 133%
modexp_marcin_1_balanced 200 500 150%
modexp_marcin_2_base_heavy 867 1734 100%
modexp_marcin_2_exp_heavy 852 1364 60%
modexp_marcin_2_balanced 996 1992 100%
modexp_marcin_3_base_heavy 677 677 0%
modexp_marcin_3_exp_heavy 765 765 0%
modexp_marcin_3_balanced 1360 1360 0%

Reference Implementation


Security Considerations

There are no security concerns since no new functionality is introduced or made cheaper. The primary consideration for this EIP is the risk of potentially overpriced ModExp scenarios.


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