Implements a set of changes that serve the combined purpose of "abstracting out" signature verification and nonce checking, allowing users to create "account contracts" that perform any desired signature/nonce checks instead of using the mechanism that is currently hard-coded into transaction processing.
, then:
1. If the signature of a transaction is (CHAIN_ID, 0, 0)
(ie. r = s = 0
, v = CHAIN_ID
), then treat it as valid and set the sender address to NULL_SENDER
2. Transactions of this form MUST have gasprice = 0, nonce = 0, value = 0, and do NOT increment the nonce of account NULL_SENDER.
3. Create a new opcode at 0xfb
, with 4 stack arguments (value, salt, mem_start, mem_size) which sets the creation address to sha3(sender + salt + sha3(init code)) % 2**160
, where salt
is always represented as a 32-byte value.
4. Add to all contract creation operations, including transactions and opcodes, the rule that if a contract at that address already exists and has non-empty code OR non-empty nonce, the operation fails and returns 0 as if the init code had run out of gas. If an account has empty code and nonce but nonempty balance, the creation operation may still succeed.
The goal of these changes is to set the stage for abstraction of account security. Instead of having an in-protocol mechanism where ECDSA and the default nonce scheme are enshrined as the only "standard" way to secure an account, we take initial steps toward a model where in the long term all accounts are contracts, contracts can pay for gas, and users are free to define their own security model.
Under EIP 86, we can expect users to store their ether in contracts, whose code might look like the following (example in Serpent):
# Get signature from tx data
sig_v = ~calldataload(0)
sig_r = ~calldataload(32)
sig_s = ~calldataload(64)
# Get tx arguments
tx_nonce = ~calldataload(96)
tx_to = ~calldataload(128)
tx_value = ~calldataload(160)
tx_gasprice = ~calldataload(192)
tx_data = string(~calldatasize() - 224)
~calldataload(tx_data, 224, ~calldatasize())
# Get signing hash
signing_data = string(~calldatasize() - 64)
~mstore(signing_data, tx.startgas)
~calldataload(signing_data + 32, 96, ~calldatasize() - 96)
signing_hash = sha3(signing_data:str)
# Perform usual checks
prev_nonce = ~sload(-1)
assert tx_nonce == prev_nonce + 1
assert self.balance >= tx_value + tx_gasprice * tx.startgas
assert ~ecrecover(signing_hash, sig_v, sig_r, sig_s) == <pubkey hash here>
# Update nonce
~sstore(-1, prev_nonce + 1)
# Pay for gas
~send(MINER_CONTRACT, tx_gasprice * tx.startgas)
# Make the main call
~call(msg.gas - 50000, tx_to, tx_value, tx_data, len(tx_data), 0, 0)
# Get remaining gas payments back
~call(20000, MINER_CONTRACT, 0, [msg.gas], 32, 0, 0)
This can be thought of as a "forwarding contract". It accepts data from the "entry point" address 2**160 - 1 (an account that anyone can send transactions from), expecting that data to be in the format [sig, nonce, to, value, gasprice, data]
. The forwarding contract verifies the signature, and if the signature is correct it sets up a payment to the miner and then sends a call to the desired address with the provided value and data.
The benefits that this provides lie in the most interesting cases:
(2) and (3) introduce a feature similar to bitcoin's P2SH, allowing users to send funds to addresses that provably map to only one particular piece of code. Something like this is crucial in the long term because, in a world where all accounts are contracts, we need to preserve the ability to send to an account before that account exists on-chain, as that's a basic functionality that exists in all blockchain protocols today.
Note that miners would need to have a strategy for accepting these transactions. This strategy would need to be very discriminating, because otherwise they run the risk of accepting transactions that do not pay them any fees, and possibly even transactions that have no effect (eg. because the transaction was already included and so the nonce is no longer current).
One simple strategy is to have a set of regexps that the to address of an account would be checked against, each regexp corresponding to a "standard account type" which is known to be "safe" (in the sense that if an account has that code, and a particular check involving the account balances, account storage and transaction data passes, then if the transaction is included in a block the miner will get paid), and mine and relay transactions that pass these checks.
One example would be to check as follows:
<pubkey hash here>
replaced with any public key hash.If all five checks pass, relay and/or mine the transaction.
A looser but still effective strategy would be to accept any code that fits the same general format as the above, consuming only a limited amount of gas to perform nonce and signature checks and having a guarantee that transaction fees will be paid to the miner. Another strategy is to, alongside other approaches, try to process any transaction that asks for less than 250,000 gas, and include it only if the miner's balance is appropriately higher after executing the transaction than before it.
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