This EIP standardizes an interface for smart contracts to hold of EIP-721 and EIP-1155 tokens on behalf of ENS domains.
Currently, if someone wants to receive a token, they have to set up a wallet address. This EIP decouples NFT ownership from wallet addresses.
, as defined in EIP-721.interface IERC_ENS_TRUST is ERC721Receiver, ERC1155Receiver {
function claimTo(address to, bytes32 ensNode, address operator, uint256 tokenId) payable external;
MUST check if msg.sender
is the owner of the ENS node identified by bytes32 ensNode
(and/or approved by the domain in implementation-specific ways). The compliant contract then MUST make a call to the safeTransferFrom
function of EIP-721 or EIP-1155.
Any ensNode
is allowed.
ENS was chosen because it is a well-established scoped ownership namespace. This is nonetheless compatible with other scoped ownership namespaces.
We didn't expose getters or setters for ensRoot because it is outside of the scope of this EIP.
No backward compatibility issues were found.
import { loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { ethers } from "hardhat";
describe("FirstENSBankAndTrust", function () {
describe("Receive and Claim Token", function () {
it("Should ACCEPT/REJECT claimTo based on if ENS owner is msg.sender", async function () {
// Steps of testing:
// mint to charlie
// charlie send to ENSTrust and recorded under bob.xinbenlvethsf.eth
// bob try to claimTo alice, first time it should be rejected
// bob then set the ENS record
// bob claim to alice, second time it should be accepted
// mint to charlie
await, fakeTokenId);
// charlie send to ENSTrust and recorded under bob.xinbenlvethsf.eth
await erc721ForTesting.connect(charlie)["safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256,bytes)"](
charlie.address, firstENSBankAndTrust.address,
// bob try to claimTo alice, first time it should be rejected
await expect(firstENSBankAndTrust.connect(bob).claimTo(
))"ENSTokenHolder: node not owned by sender");
// bob then set the ENS record
await ensForTesting.setOwner(
fakeReceiverENSNamehash, bob.address
// bob claim to alice, second time it should be accepted
await expect(firstENSBankAndTrust.connect(bob).claimTo(
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
contract FirstENSBankAndTrust is IERC721Receiver, Ownable {
function getENS() public view returns (ENS) {
return ENS(ensAddress);
function setENS(address newENSAddress) public onlyOwner {
ensAddress = newENSAddress;
// @dev This function is called by the owner of the token to approve the transfer of the token
// @param data MUST BE the ENS node of the intended token receiver this ENSHoldingServiceForNFT is holding on behalf of.
function onERC721Received(
address operator,
address /*from*/,
uint256 tokenId,
bytes calldata data
) external override returns (bytes4) {
require(data.length == 32, "ENSTokenHolder: last data field must be ENS node.");
// --- START WARNING ---
// this is just a demo purpose of using extraData for node information
// In prod, you should use a struct to store the data. struct should clearly identify the data is for ENS
// rather than anything else.
bytes32 ensNode = bytes32(data[0:32]);
// --- END OF WARNING ---
addToHolding(ensNode, operator, tokenId); // conduct the book keeping
function claimTo(address to, bytes32 ensNode, address tokenContract uint256 tokenId) public {
require(getENS().owner(ensNode) == msg.sender, "ENSTokenHolder: node not owned by sender");
removeFromHolding(ensNode, tokenContract, tokenId);
IERC721(tokenContract).safeTransferFrom(address(this), to, tokenId);
Needs discussion.
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