ERC-7621 - Basket Token

Created 2024-02-11
Status Draft
Category ERC
Type Standards Track
  • Michael Ryder <mike at>

  • Callum Mitchell-Clark (@AlvaraProtocol) <callum at>

  • Dominic Ryder <dom at>

  • Joey van Etten <joe at>



The Basket Token Standard (BTS) allows for the implementation of multi-asset tokenized funds. This standard provides basic functionality for anyone to deploy unique, non-fungible BTS tokens that can contain an unlimited number of underlying ERC-20 tokens.

The deployer receives a BTS token representative of their ownership of the fund, as well as liquidity provider (LP) tokens representative of their percentage share of the fund (100% at time of deployment but changing as other wallets contribute/withdraw). Whenever a contribution is made to a BTS, BTS LP tokens are minted and distributed to the contributor’s wallet (representative of their share of the fund); when a withdrawal is made from a BTS, the BTS LP tokens are burned and funds returned to the withdrawer’s wallet.

The BTS has a rebalance function which allows for a BTS owner to change the percentage share of the fund that each underlying token makes up. Tokens can be removed entirely or added through this function after a BTS has already been minted.

By leveraging the ERC-721 standard as a representative token of ownership when minting the BTS, the tokenized fund can also be fully manageable and transferable on-chain.


The motivation is to provide infrastructure that will enable the on-chain creation and management of asset-backed tokenized investment funds as no such standardized infrastructure curently exists. Providing the necessary infrastructure will help facilitate the onboarding of traditional fund management onto blockchain. No existing standard is capable of achieving this as they lack the required features for third party contribution, namely the minting of LP tokens when contribution is made. The ERC-7621 is the only token standard that facilitates this with a rebalance function required for effective fund management, and LP token distribution and burning, required for third party participation.



BTS is a smart contract enabling the creation of on-chain tokenized funds backed by assets, allowing users to manage assets and liquidity through functions like initialization, contribution, withdrawal, rebalancing, and token distribution.


The purpose of the BTS is to allow anyone to build an on-chain tokenized fund that is fully asset backed using on-chain liquidity.

Key Functions

initialize: Initializes a new BTS with name, symbol, creator, tokens, weights, token URI, and optional auto-rebalance setting.

contribute(): Allows users to add ETH to the basket, purchasing proportional amounts of included tokens based on predefined weights.

withdraw(uint256 _liquidity): Allows BTS LP holders to withdraw from the basket, receiving corresponding tokens.

withdrawETH(uint256 _liquidity): Allows BTS LP holders to withdraw ETH from the basket, equivalent to the value of their BTS LP tokens.

rebalance(address[] memory _newTokens, uint256[] memory _newWeights): The owner can manually adjust the types and weights of tokens in the basket.

getTokenDetails: Returns details of a token at a given index (address and weight).

totalTokens: Returns the total number of tokens in the basket.

Distribution of BTS tokens

The distribution of BTS tokens occurs during the mint function. The creator sends ETH to the contract, and the contract then swaps the ETH for user designated ERC-20 tokens based on predefined weights. After the swaps, it mints a BTS token (NFT) for the sender using the initialize function of the BTS contract as well as BTS LP tokens. This BTS token is a representation of ownership and allows management of the BTS.

Distribution of BTS LP tokens

The distribution of BTS LP tokens occurs during the mint and contribute functions. After swapping ETH for the relevant ERC-20 tokens, the contract mints BTS LP tokens (representing the user's share of the total BTS), and then mints BTS LP tokens using the mint function of the BTSPair contract. The BTS LP tokens represent the liquidity provided by the user to the specified BTS pair (btsPair). The distribution is logged through the ContributedToBTS event.

Burning the BTS LP tokens

The burning of BTS LP tokens occurs during the withdraw function. Users can call this function, specifying the amount of BTS LP tokens they want to withdraw. The contract then transfers the specified amount of BTS LP tokens from the user to the BTS pair contract (btsPair). The burn function of the IBTSPair contract is called, which decreases the user's BTS LP token balance and returns an array of amounts representing the underlying tokens withdrawn. This array of amounts is logged through the WithdrawnFromBTS event.


ContributedToBTS(address indexed bts, uint256 amount): Event when someone adds ETH to the basket.

WithdrawnFromBTS(address indexed bts, uint256[] amounts): Event when BTS LP holder withdraws tokens from the basket.

WithdrawnETHFromBTS(address indexed bts, uint256 amount): Event when BTS LP holder withdraws ETH from the basket.

RebalanceBTS(address indexed bts, uint256[] oldWeights, uint256[] newWeights): Event when the owner manually rebalances the basket.



ERC-20 token representing liquidity in a BTS.

Key Functions

initialize: Initializes a new BTSPair with a name and tokens.

rebalance(): Allows the owner to manually adjust the types and weights of tokens in the pair.

updateTokens(...): Allows the owner to change the types of tokens in the pair.

mint(...): Creates new BTS LP tokens and adjusts token reserves.

burn(...): Destroys BTS LP tokens and adjusts token reserves.


Backwards Compatibility

No backward compatibility issues found.

Reference Implementation

BTS: Implemented using a combination of OpenZeppelin's ERC-721 URIStorage and Ownable contracts, along with custom logic for token management and rebalancing.

Factory: Implemented using ClonesUpgradeable to deploy new BTS and BTSPair contracts.

BTSPair: Implemented using ERC-20 Upgradeable and Ownable contracts, along with custom logic for liquidity tracking and rebalancing.

IUniswap: Not implemented, as it only defines interfaces for external contracts.

Security Considerations


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